EU plans to revise the hygiene regulations of food of animal origin



On April 27, 2023, the European Commission website published the proposal Ref.Ares (2023) 2987790, which intends to revise the regulations on the hygiene of food of animal origin ((EC) No. 853/2004 regulation). Some of the revisions are:

(1) The definition of dry-aging of meat is added, that is, under aerobic conditions, animal carcasses or fresh meat cuts are placed in a refrigerated environment, in a package that is not completely sealed, at a controlled temperature, Place it under relative humidity and air flow rate for several weeks to reach the process of meat maturity. For example, the conditions for beef jerky aging are: product surface temperature 0.5-3.0°C, ambient relative humidity 75-85%, air flow rate 0.2-0.5m /s, ripen in a special cold room for up to 35 days, and at the same time formulate hygienic control requirements for the dry ripening process;

(2) Formulate the control requirements for the internal environment of the transportation vehicle and product surface temperature and the process control requirements for microorganisms during the transportation of refrigerated meat;

(3) It is allowed to temporarily increase the storage temperature of fresh or processed aquatic products to above -18 degrees to facilitate the cutting or slicing operations of the products, but this processing process shall not last for more than 96 hours, and it is stipulated that no food shall be allowed during transportation. Take temporary warming measures;

(4) Revise the monitoring and conformity assessment standards for brucellosis involving raw milk produced from cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep. The revision comment period ends on May 25, 2023.

Learn more: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13725-Food-hygiene-products-of-animal-origin-updated-rules-_en

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