Israel revises date marking regulations for meat and fish products


On August 24, 2023, the Israeli Ministry of Health issued an order to amend the regulations on date marking of meat and fish products, which will take effect within 3 months from the date of publication. Main contents:


Add definitions of cured meat, meat products, dates, codes, and fish.


Prohibit the sale of meat or fish products without production dates and expiration dates: Manufacturers of meat or fish products should set a recommended shelf life for each product they produce; the recommended shelf life marked on poultry offal and meat products starts from The date of production shall not exceed six months; products with special storage conditions shall be marked with words such as "refrigerated", "stored in a cool place", "stored in a dry place", "do not refreeze after thawing"; meat packaged in casings The product label shall be affixed to the packing string; the dimension height of the date mark shall be at least 4mm.

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