Requirements for Labeling of Bacterium Strains in Food



Bacterium strains play a crucial role in various fields, including agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology. As one of the largest countries in the world, China recognizes the importance of efficient bacterium strain management to promote sustainable development, enhance ecosystem health, and ensure food security. So what are the types of food bacterium strains and how should they be labeled? Foodmate has provided an integration of this information for reference.


1. Scope of Food Bacterium Strains


(1) List of bacterium strains that can be used in food

On August 25, 2022, the National Health Commission (NHC) issued an announcement regarding the updated "List of bacterium strains that can be Used in Food" and "List of bacterium strains that can be Used in Infant and Child Food", which supplemented the previous lists with 16 bacterium strains for food and 8 strains for infant and child food. Some names of bacterium strains and strains were adjusted, and the "List of bacterium strains that can be Used in Food" was updated to include subspecies-specific information.

At the same time, the announcement stipulated a transitional period of 2 years for the adjustment of classification and naming of bacterium strains in the list. During the transitional period, both the old and new names can be used, but after the transitional period expires, the updated list of bacterium strains must be used. Therefore , after August 25, 2024, the bacterium strains on food labels must be labeled according to the names in the updated list of bacterium strains.


(2) Traditional bacterium strains used in food production and processing

With the exception of the strains listed in two specific lists, the traditionally used bacterium strains in food production and processing are allowed to continue their usage. For example, the brewing yeast used in the production and processing of wine is still permitted.


(3) Others

Bacterium strains not included in the list and new bacterium strains should comply with the "Administrative Measures for the Safety Assessment of New Food Raw Materials". Those listed in the "List of bacterium strains that can be Used in Food" and "List of bacterium strains that can be Used in Infant and Child Food" should also meet the requirements of the corresponding announcements.


2. Labeling of bacterium strains in Food


Article 38 of the Q&A version of the General Principles for Prepackaged Food Labels (GB 7718-2011) stipulates that if prepackaged food uses bacterium strains that can be used in food and infant and child food, the bacterium strains names should be labeled according to the requirements of the GB 7718-2011. The corresponding strain numbers and the content of bacterium strains can also be indicated on the packaging of prepackaged food.

If there are specific requirements for the labeling of bacterium strains in other standards and regulations, they should also comply with the relevant provisions. For example, according to the "National Food Safety Standard for Beverages" (GB 7101-2022), the number of live lactobacilli (unsterilized) added to lactobacilli-containing products should be greater than 106 CFU/g (mL), and the lactobacilli content should be indicated on the product label.

Furthermore, there are some fermentation bacterium strains that do not need to be indicated on food labels, such as leaven. According to the "Reply from the Office of the State Administration for Food and Drug Administration on Issues related to Leaven", leaven is a traditional saccharifying fermentation agent in China's brewing industry. based on the raw materials, production process, and role in the brewing process, leaven belongs to food fermentation bacterium strains and does not exist in the final product, thus it does not need to be indicated on the final product label.


3. Considerations for Claims


If it is highlighted on the label, in a location other than the product name, that the product contains or is added with edible bacterium strains, the amount of emphasized bacterium strains added or their content in the finished product should be indicated.


4. Future Trends in Labeling for Bacterium Strains


The draft of GB 7718, based on whether the food bacterium strains added during the production process have a fermentation effect and whether they have undergone inactivation or removal processes, divides the labeling methods of food bacterium strains into three situations.

(1) For bacterium strains added in the production process that do not have a fermentation effect and have not undergone inactivation or removal processes, the specific name of the added bacterium strains should be labeled, and the corresponding strain numbers and microorganism content can also be indicated.

(2) For bacterium strains added in the production process that have a fermentation effect and have not undergone inactivation or removal processes, they can be labeled as "fermentation bacterium strains" or "microbial fermentation agents".

(3) For bacterium strains added in the production process that have a fermentation effect and have undergone inactivation or removal processes, they do not need to be labeled.


It's worth noting that after the new version of GB 7718 is published and implemented, the labeling of bacterium strains should comply with the provisions of the new standard.

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