Australia issued standard licenses for animal based flavors containing meat


On December 4, 2023, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) issued a standard license for animal-based spices containing meat ingredients. The standard license conditions are essentially the same as the conditions of the non-standard license for animal flavors with a meat content of 5% or more, and importers of animal flavors with less than 5% meat content may also choose to use the license.


The import conditions for meeting the standard license include:


(1) The goods must be retailable and require no further processing before being sold to the final consumer;


(2) with a health certificate certifying the ingredients of the purchased and processed meat;


(3) The product composition meets the requirements, and there is a manufacturer's conformity declaration on the product composition.


imported goods that do not meet the standard licensing conditions include:


(1) Goods consisting entirely of animal blood and/or animal fat and/or animal grease;


(2) Steamed goods or goods containing steamed ingredients;


(3) Goods containing more than 10% dairy products by dry weight;


(4) Goods with dry weight protein content of more than 10%.


If the goods do not meet the standard conditions, the importer must apply for a non-standard license and will evaluate the goods individually before listing the product name on the license. The license will take effect on December 5, 2023.

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