EU evaluated application for authorization renewal of L-Tyrosine as an additive to all animal feed


On July 12, 2024, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a news release stating that the EFSA has published an assessment of the application for renewal of authorization for L-tyrosine as an additive for all animal feed.


As a result of the assessment, the panel concluded that the additive is safe for target species, consumers and the environment under authorized conditions of use. There is no need to assess the efficacy of the additive under authorization renewal.


Part of the original report is below:

Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the assessment of the application for the renewal of the authorisation of l-tyrosine as a nutritional feed additive. The additive is authorised for use in all animal species (3c401). The applicant has provided evidence that the additive currently in the market complies with the existing conditions of authorisation. The EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed concluded that the use of the feed additive in animal nutrition remains safe for the target species, consumers, and the environment. As regards the safety for the user, l-tyrosine is not an irritant to skin or eyes. In the absence of data, the potential of l-tyrosine to be a dermal and respiratory sensitiser cannot be excluded. Exposure by inhalation of persons handling the additive is likely. The present application for renewal of the authorisation does not include any modification proposal that would have an impact on the efficacy of the additive and, therefore, there is no need for re-assessing the efficacy.


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