Chile proposed to establish sanitary requirements for imports of edible animal and poultry offal


On July 8, 2024, the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture issued a circular on the development of sanitary requirements for the import of edible animal offal and edible by-products.


The main contents include:

Scope of application (imported edible internal organs and by-products such as heart, liver, esophagus, stomach, lungs, kidneys of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and horses);

General health requirements (e.g. import of food offal and by-product source animals should be in the country of export for at least 6 months prior to slaughter and subject to official pre - and post-mortem inspection);

Special animal health requirements for the country of origin of the product (for example, the exporting country of bovine offal should be a country that is not an epidemic area of foot-and-mouth disease or bovine spongiform encephalopathy recognized by the World Organization for Animal Health);

Process and parameter requirements for processing edible offal and edible by-products of livestock and poultry;

The export enterprise shall be registered and supervised by the official competent authority of the exporting country;

Product transport regulations (official inspection before shipment, closed transport process);

Packaging and labeling requirements (labels should indicate the country of origin, manufacturer name or registration number, product name, batch number, specifications and other information);

Official health certificates (to be issued in the language of the country of export and in Spanish);

Immigration regulations, etc.


The draft is open for comment until September 6, 2024.

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