EU revised the content of the EU Entry Certificate for Compound Food

On 15 July 2022, European Union Official Gazette published the regulation (EU) 2020/1219, amending chapters 50 and 52 of Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2020/2235 concerning the model certificate for the entry of complex foods into the European Union. The content of the revision is:

(1) Amended the specific animal health certificate for dairy products contained in the compound product in which the requirements for heat treatment should be consistent with the treatment specified in annex XXVII of (EU) 2020/692;

(2) Deleted the date of dairy products and primary dairy products contained in the compound product; Deleted the dairy product origin identification approval number contained in the compound product;

(3) During the transitional period up to 15 April 2023, the certificate of compound food shall be issued in accordance with the pattern provided for in Chapters 50 and 52 of Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2020/2235, with a date of issue not later than 15 January 2023.

The regulation came into force the day after it was published in the EU's Official Gazette.

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