Navigating Compliance for Success in the Lucrative Low-GI Food Market in China


With the growing awareness of health consciousness, the trend of "reducing sugar" and "controlling sugar" is gaining momentum. More and more consumers are starting to pay attention to the sugar content of products, which has also led to the rapid development of the low glycemic index (GI) market. In other words, consumers are not only concerned about whether a food contains sugar, but also whether it raises blood sugar levels after consumption. The large population base of diabetes and weight loss seekers in China has provided an opportunity for the development of low GI foods.


The GI, also known as the blood sugar response index, reflects the speed and amplitude of blood sugar elevation caused by a certain food. Low GI foods have a longer retention time in the gastrointestinal tract, lower absorption rate, slower glucose release, lower peak glucose levels after entering the bloodstream, and thus help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent blood sugar fluctuations. They play an important role in the prevention and management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cerebrovascular diseases.


In 2021, the market size of low GI foods in China reached 176.2 billion yuan, with an annual growth rate exceeding 10%. According to JD.com data, the transaction volume of low GI foods in JD Supermarket increased 10 times year-on-year in 2022, and the number of consumers purchasing low GI foods increased 8 times year-on-year. It is expected that the number of certified low GI brands on JD Supermarket will triple in 2023, indicating a promising future for the low GI food market.

The "Healthy China 2030" strategy of the National Health Commission clearly advocates for a low GI diet. In terms of reasonable dietary action, it encourages enterprises to make claims of "low sugar" or "sugar-free" and actively promotes the use of "Front-of-Pack (FOP)" information on food packaging to help consumers quickly choose healthy foods.


Recently, the group standard "Labeling Specification of Glycemic Index for Pre-packaged Foods" was released. This marks the first time that China has established a standard for labeling the GI for pre-packaged foods. The standard clarifies the applicable food categories for GI labeling, the criteria for determining GI foods, and represents an improvement to the GI regulatory and standard system. This will promote the development and application of the low GI industry, enable enterprises to produce genuine low GI foods, allow consumers to more accurately understand and choose low GI foods, and is of great significance to improving the health levels of the people.


The "Labeling Specification of Glycemic Index for Pre-packaged Foods" is applicable to the following eight categories of pre-packaged foods: cereals and grain products; legume products; fruits and fruit products; vegetables and vegetable products; nuts and seeds; dairy and dairy products; beverages; and other products. However, it does not apply to special medical purpose formula foods, infant formula milk powder, and health foods.


Pre-packaged foods labeled with low GI need to meet the following conditions:

1. Foods using GI labeling should contain at least 7.5 grams of carbohydrates per serving or have carbohydrates account for more than 50% of the total macronutrient mass. The food should provide a certain amount of energy and nutrients.

2. GI measurements should be carried out using the methods specified in WS/T 652 and should meet the classification value requirement of GI ≤ 55. The formulation of the product used for GI measurement should be consistent with the formulation and production process of the labeled product.

3. The nutrient content should comply with the requirements of the group standard. The product should contain sufficient carbohydrates, appropriate energy content, low saturated fat content, suitable sodium content, and provide dietary fiber when applicable.


Compliance management of low GI foods is an important means to safeguard consumer health rights and promote fair market competition. Enterprises need to have a comprehensive understanding of and comply with the requirements of relevant standards. They should establish sound quality management systems, strictly adhere to food labeling regulations, obtain third-party low GI certification, enhance communication with regulatory authorities, and strengthen nutrition education. These measures help improve the compliance awareness and product quality of enterprises, enhance consumer trust, and increase market competitiveness.


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