Moldova has banned the use of the food additive titanium dioxide in food


On December 27, 2024, the State Food Safety Authority of Moldova (ANSA) warned and reminded economic operators that the use of the food additive titanium dioxide in food products is no longer authorized in the Republic of Moldova. However, foods containing titanium dioxide placed on the market before these amendments came into force can remain in circulation until the expiration of the product's shelf life or stocks are depleted. ANSA will strengthen controls on food products on the market, including at border crossings, to assess the risk of titanium dioxide levels.


Titanium dioxide is used to make many foods white, from baked goods and spreads to soups and sauces, salad dressings, and dietary supplements. At the same time, titanium dioxide is still authorized for medicinal use in the European Union and the Republic of Moldova.


For more details see: https://ansa.gov.md/media/comunicate-de-presa/ansa-aditivul-alimentar-e171-interzis-produsele-alimentare-din-republica

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