Peruvian blueberry exports rose 26 percent year on year, with significant growth in the Chinese market


Peru exported 17,256 tons of fresh Blueberries in Week 41, down 1% from week 40 but up 26% from week 41 of the previous season, according to Blueberries Consulting, an industry website.


The data showed that shipments increased in almost all markets, especially several major markets for Peruvian blueberries. The United States was up 24% from the previous quarter, with exports totaling 87,863 tons and 8,981 tons in week 41, up more than 18% from the previous quarter. Europe increased 41% from the previous quarter, with exports totaling 42,443 tonnes. In week 41, exports were 4,901 tonnes, up 33% from the previous quarter. China's exports were up 38% from the previous quarter, totaling 25,421 tons. In the 41st week, exports were 2,426 tons, a significant increase of 106% from the previous quarter.


In terms of blueberry production areas, La Libertad remained the most important producing area, accounting for 50% of the total content, with exports of 85,342 tons in the 41st week, up 25% year on year. This was followed by 43,515 tonnes (+47%) in Lambayeque and 12,973 tonnes (+35%) in Ica.


Organic blueberry exports from Peru have also increased this season, with 1,710 tons exported in Week 41, up 13% year on year, bringing total exports for the season to 20,900 tons.


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