Registration of imported feed and feed additive products in China


In recent years, the import registration of feed products has shown a growing trend year by year, especially since 2017, more than 500 feed and feed additive products with import registration certificates have been imported into the Chinese market every year. In this issue, the Feed Compliance Service Center will talk about the registration of imported feed and feed additive products in China, providing reference for enterprises planning to export feed products to China.

1 Supervision department for import product registration

In order to ensure the quality and safety of imported feeds and feed additives, China has taken strict measures such as import access, inspection and quarantine. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is responsible for the registration and approval of imported feed and feed additive products, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, together with local regulatory authorities for day-to-day supervision and management.

2 Basis of import registration laws and regulations

Article 3 of Measures for administration of registration of import feeds and feed additives(No. 2, 2014 of MOA) stipulates that when an overseas manufacturer exports feed and feed additives to the territory of China for the first time, it shall apply for registration to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, and obtain the registration certificate of feed and feed additives; The imported feed or feed additives have not obtained the import registration certificate shall not be sold within the territory of China. Article 4 stipulates that when applying for import registration, an overseas manufacturer shall entrust an agency in China to handle it.

3 Scope of import registration

Feed and feed additive product need to register include:the single feed, additive premix feed (including additive premix feed for pet), compound feed (including pet feed), concentrated feed, concentrate supplement, feed additives.

4 Application requirements for import registration

Registration: When a foreign enterprise exports feed and feed additives to China for the first time, it shall be handled by the office of the foreign enterprise in China or the entrusted agency in China, and apply to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for import registration.

Renewal of registration: If it is necessary to continue to export feed and feed additives to China at the expiration of the validity period of the import registration certificate, an application for renewal of registration shall be made 6 months before the expiration of the validity period.

Modification of registration: During the validity period of the import registration certificate, if the certified enterprise changes the product's Chinese or foreign trade name, the name of the applicant company, the name of the manufacturer, and the name of the production address, it shall apply for modification of registration.

5 Handling of import registration certificate

Enterprises can find the business categories of feed and feed additives through the government affairs service column on the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and can check online the guidelines for registration, modification of registration and renewal of registration.


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