Thailand ranked first among countries exporting fruit to China in 2022


According to Thai media, on April 22, 2023, Anucha, the spokesperson of the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand, talked about the export of Thai fruits to China. In 2022, Thailand ranked first among China’s fruit importing countries.

Anucha revealed that China is an important fruit export market for Thailand, and fruit exports will continue to grow. According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, in 2022, China's total fruit import and export volume will reach 14.6 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 8%. . Among them, Thailand is the country with the most fruit imports in China, with an import volume of 2.17 million tons, worth 4.9 billion US dollars, an increase of 3.72%.

The top five fruit imports in China are bananas, green coconuts, durians, dragon fruits and longan, while Thai durians account for 95% of China's imported durians; while imported Thai green coconuts reached 523,000 tons, ranking first.

The data also shows that fresh, frozen, dried and processed fruits exported from Thailand to China are mainly exported by water, accounting for 51%; followed by land (48%) and air (0.54%).

It is also understood that during March 27-29, Thai Deputy Minister of Commerce Girati led a number of officials from the Ministry of Commerce to visit Mohan Port in China. During the Thai fruit season in 2023, various fruits will be on the market one after another. Mohan The purpose of the trip is to facilitate the export of Thai fruits to China, and it is expected that more fruits will be exported to China this year.

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