EU to revise marketing standards for processed fruit and vegetables


On April 21, 2023, the European Commission website released the consultation document Ares (2023) 2826215, which proposes to amend Regulation (EU) 1308/2013, namely the marketing standards for processed fruits and vegetables. The feedback period ends on May 19, 2023. The main contents are as follows:

(1) The country of origin shall be marked for the following products: dried fruits with CN code 0813, dried figs with CN code 0804 20 90, raisins with CN code 0806 20, ripe bananas and ripe dried fruits with CN code 0803 90 10;

(2) The following products do not need to meet marketing standards. Products germinated from seeds and sold as edible buds; CN codes: 0802 11 10 for bitter almonds; 0802 12 for shelled almonds; 0802 22 for shelled hazelnuts; 0802 32 for shelled walnuts; 0802 90 50 for pine nuts; Macadamia nuts at 0802 60 00; Pecans at 0802 90 20; Dried citrus at 0805; Dried plantain at 0803 10 90; Tropical nut mix at 0813 50 31; Tropical nut mix at 0813 50 31; Saffron at 0910 20 ;

(3) Identification regulations. The packaging label should be clearly and conspicuously displayed on the side of the package or directly printed on the surface of the package, without hints or misleading words; the invoice and accompanying documents should indicate the name and country of origin, category, variety or business type of the product;

(4) Standards for mixed products. Sales of mixed packages with a net weight of less than 10kg allow the mixing of different types of products covered by this regulation. It is necessary to ensure that the quality of the product variety is uniform, the label complies with this regulation and (EU) Regulation 1169/2011, and the mixing of different products will not mislead consumers.

Learn more: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13589-Fresh-fruit-and-vegetables-bananas-nuts-and-dried-fruit-review-of-marketing-standards_en

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