South Korea released guidelines for radioactive safety management of imported aquatic products

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On July 6, 2023, the Korean Ministry of Food and Drugs (MFDs) released the "Guidelines for the Safety Management of Radiation of imported Aquatic Products", the main contents of which include:

1. Prohibition of importing all aquatic products from 8 counties including Fukushima, Japan;

2. Every import of aquatic products from other regions in Japan must go through three stages of strict radiation inspection by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drugs: import document inspection, on-site inspection, and regular inspection;

3. An additional nuclide certificate is required: an additional nuclide certificate is required for the detection of trace amounts of 0.5Bq/kg (radioactive specificity), and trace detection products cannot be sold domestically;

4. South Korea's radioactive material detection standards will be 10 times stricter than the Codex Alimentarius standards, American standards, and European standards. The specific values are as follows:


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