How much do you know about vitamins?


Nowadays, various vitamin products in China are overwhelming, and the mature vitamin products in Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea are also deeply loved by consumers in China. So, what are China's regulations on the application of vitamins in various foods? And what are the differences in the functions of vitamins in various foods? Foodmate has compiled relevant contents for your reference.

1. The concept and classification of vitamins

In China, as in most countries, vitamins are a kind of low-molecular-weight organic compounds necessary to promote biological growth and regulate physiological functions, being divided into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins are a gourp of vitamins that are soluble in organic solvents but insoluble in water, including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Water-soluble vitamins are a group of vitamins that can be dissolved in water, including vitamin B group (vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, nicotinic acid, choline and biotin) and vitamin C.

2. The application regulations and functions of vitamins

2.1 Application in common food

In common food, according to the “National Food Safety Standards-Standard for the Use of Food Additives” (GB 2760), vitamins are used as food additives, which have the functions of flour treatment agent, antioxidant and so on. In order to ensure the smooth processing of food, vitamins will also be used as processing aids for food industry. For example, vitamin B is used as a nutrient for fermentation in the fermentation process.

According to the question and answer of the former Ministry of Health about the “National Food Safety Standard-Standard for the Use of Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods” (GB 14880-2012), some substances that are both nutritional fortifier and food additives, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, should meet the requirements of the “National Food Safety Standards-Standard for the Use of Food Additives” (GB 2760) if being used as food additives. If the purpose is to strengthen nutrition, its use should comply with the provisions of the “National Food Safety Standard-Standard for the Use of Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods” (GB 14880), the scope and dosage of nutritional fortifiers in food should comply with the provisions of Appendix A of the “National Food Safety Standard-Standard for the Use of Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods” (GB 14880), and the permitted sources of nutritional fortifiers should comply with the provisions of Appendix B.

Therefore, in common foods, vitamins are used as food additives, food nutritional fortifier or processing aids for food industry, and their main functions are to improve the physical or chemical properties of food, increase the nutritional components (value) of food and ensure the smooth processing of food.

2.2 Application in health food

On June 2, 2023, the State Administration for Market Regulation, together with the National Health Commission,China and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, issued “Catalogue of health food ingredients Nutrient supplement (2023)” and “Catalogue of health functions allowed for health foods Nutrient supplement (2023)”, which came into effect on October 1, 2023. The use and claim of nutrients and vitamins as nutritional supplements should comply with its relevant regulations.

On January 29, 2021, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the “Regulations on Excipients and Their Use of Health Food Filing Products (2021 Edition)”, which clearly stipulated 197 kinds of excipients including vitamin C and vitamin E that can be used in health food and their use regulations. It should be noted that products claiming to supplement vitamins should not use vitamins as excipients, and vitamin E should not be used as excipients for gel Candy.

Therefore, in health food, vitamins are used as health food excipients and nutrient supplements. As excipients of health food, it has antioxidant and other functions; As a nutrient supplement, it is mainly used to supplement the deficiency of dietary intake and regulate the body function, not for the purpose of treating diseases. It has a clear dose-effect relationship and appropriate crowd, and it can claim its unique health care function.

2.3 Application in foods for special dietary uses

As a nutrient in special dietary foods, the content of vitamins should comply with “National Food Safety Standard-General Standard for Formula Food for Special Medical Purpose” (GB 29922-2013), “National Food Safety Standards - Guideline for Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants” (GB 25596-2010), “National Food Safety Standard Infant Formula” (GB 10765-2021) , “National Food Safety Standard Follow-up Formula” (GB 10766-2021), “National Food Safety Standard Toddler Formula” (GB 10767-2021), and other special dietary food product standards and/or related regulations.

In foods for special dietary uses, the purpose of vitamins is nutritional fortification, and its scope of use, dosage and source of compounds should comply with the provisions of Appendix C of the “National Food Safety Standard-Standard for the Use of Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods” (GB 14880-2012).

Therefore, vitamins are used as nutritional fortifiers and nutrients in foods for special dietary uses. As a nutritional fortifier, it is mainly to increase the nutritional components (value) of food; As a nutrient, it is mainly to meet the physiological and nutritional needs of specific people or some patients, and provide targeted nutrients, but it is not a drug and cannot replace the therapeutic effect of drugs.


This paper introduces the related regulations of vitamins in common food, health food and foods for special dietary uses in China. It can be seen that the regulations and functions of vitamins are different for different purposes. I hope this article can help import enterprises to better understand the relevant regulations and ensure the compliance of vitamin products.

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