Case Study | Using unique name, packaging and decoration of other product without authorisation

 Case Study | Using unique name, packaging and decoration of other product without authorisation global Chinafoodmate

A company’s rice was awarded the title of “Chinese Famous Brand Product”, and the company's registered trademarks “** and Picture” were recognised as well-known trademarks by the Trademark Office of former State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

The packaging bag of a certain rice company was only slightly different from that of the famous brand. The court sentenced that the rice company shall pay a compensation of RMB 100,000.

For information in Chinese, 案例|某公司擅自使用知名商品特有名称、包装、装潢,终审判其赔偿十万元

Please note: Original English article of Global Foodmate of Information Service and Business Department, please indicate the source from the Global Foodmate if reprint.

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