Soliciting Public Opinions on The Association Standards of "Super Tea Seed Oil"

Relevant units and experts:

The association standard of "Super Tea Seed Oil" established by the China Cereals and Oils Society has completed, and is now open for comments. Relevant units and experts are invited to submit valuable opinions or suggestions, and the "Solicit Feedback Form" will be sent back to the Society Standard Work Secretariat by email before July 21, 2020. If there is no response within the time limit, no comments will be processed.

Contact: Li Fang, Shan Youna, Zhao Lu

Telephone: 010- 68357560, 68357511

Mailbox: lee@ccoaonline.com nina@ccoaonline.com zhaolu@ccoaonline.com

Attachment :

1. Draft for solicitation of "Super Grade Tea Seed Oil"

2. Compilation instructions for "Super Tea Seed Oil"

3. Feedback form for "Super Tea Seed Oil"
Chinese Grain and Oil Society

June 22, 2020

Please note: This article is translated based on Google web translation software, if there is an error, please contact us as soon as possible to correct.

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