US Revises the Requirements for the Importation of Fresh Citrus Fruit from Australia

According to the US Federal Register, on August 18, 2021, the US Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) published No. 2021-17709 document, Decision To Revise the Requirements for the importation of Fresh Citrus Fruit From Australia Into the Continental United States.

Australian fresh citrus fruit are authorized to be imported into the United States and need to comply with the following phytosanitary measures:

1. The citrus must either originate from an area within these approved production areas that is free of the fruit flies Queensland fruit fly, Medfly, and/or Bactrocera neohumeralis (Lesser Queensland fruit fly), or be treated with cold treatment or other approved treatment for the relevant fruit flies.

2. If the area has Queensland fruit fly or Lesser Queensland fruit fly, cold treatment schedules T107-d-2 or T107-d-3 must be used.

3. The citrus fruit must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO of Australia that attests that citrus fruit were produced in a fruit fly pest-free area or that indicates that cold treatment was applied to the consignment during transit to the continental United States, or a combination of PFAs and quarantine treatments; were inspected by the NPPO of Australia and found free of pests of concern. We are not requiring an additional declaration for light brown apple moth because the PRA considers this pest unlikely to follow the pathway on citrus fruit from these areas.

4. The citrus fruit is subject to inspection at the port of entry into the United States.

5. only commercial consignments of Australian citrus fruit may be imported into the United States.

6. Fruit must be washed, brushed, surface disinfected in accordance with 7 CFR part 305 and according to treatment schedules listed in the USDA Treatment Manual, treated with fungicide at labeled rates, and waxed at packinghouses.

7. An operational work plan that details the requirements under which citrus will be safely imported is in place.

8. The citrus fruit must be imported under permit.

From August 18, 2021, according to the revised requirements, the items covered by this notice may be authorized to be imported.

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