Analysis of EU RASFF notification of Chinese product in September 2021

1. Brief introduction

In September 2021, 26 European countries notified 388 batches of products through RASFF. The top four products were fruits and vegetables (49 cases, accounting for 12.63%), nutritious foods, food supplements and fortified foods (37 cases, accounting for 9.54%), poultry meat and poultry products (34 cases, accounting for 8.76%), nuts, nut products and seeds (34 cases, accounting for 8.76%), accounting for 39.69% of the total notifications. The top three countries issuing notifications were Germany (96 cases, accounting for 24.74%), Poland (48 cases, accounting for 12.37%), and Belgium (34 cases, accounting for 8.76%), accounting for 45.88% of the total notifications. 35 cases of Chinese export products were notified (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), accounting for 9.02% of the total notifications. The top two reported products were food contact materials (13 cases, accounting for 37.14%), food additives and condiments (4 cases, 11.43%). Moreover, fish and fish products, fruits and vegetables, other foods/mixtures, Instant dishes and snacks were notified 3 cases each. The top three countries reporting the number of Chinese products are Poland (10 cases, accounting for 28.57%), Germany (9 cases, accounting for 25.71%), and Spain (5 cases, accounting for 14.29%).


2. Reasons for notification

Food: In September 2021, RASFF reported 21 cases of various types of food exported from China, including spring rolls, frozen strawberries, tea, cod fillets, instant noodles, xanthan gum, etc. The main reasons for the notification are pesticide residues (ethylene oxide, tolfenpyrad, 2-chloroethanol, etc.), excessive lead, improper temperature control of frozen products, and unauthorized substances.

Food contact products: In September 2021, RASFF reported 13 cases of various types of food contact products exported from China, including plastic water bottles, lunch boxes, nylon kitchen utensils, etc. The main reasons for the notification are the migration of primary aromatic amines, the migration of formaldehyde, and the unauthorized use of bamboo and corn.

Feed: In September 2021, RASFF reported 1 case of feed products exported by China, and the notified products were feed ingredients. The reason for the notification was that the heavy metal arsenic content exceeded the standard.

Data source: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/rasff-window/screen/search?event=SearchForm&cleanSearch=1

(Note: The data analyzed in this article is based on the data released on the RASFF official website on October 8, 2021.)

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