Eurasian Economic Commission passed "Poultry Meat and Its Products Safety Technical Regulations"

On October 29, the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission passed “Poultry Meat and its Products Safety Technical Regulations". This technical regulation stipulates mandatory requirements for food of animal origin, as well as requirements for uniform terminology, identification rules, safety requirements, production, storage, transportation, sales, disposal and labeling. This technical regulation will take effect on January 1, 2023, and there is no corresponding standard list yet.

In addition, the technical regulations also specifically stipulate: maximum residue limits of 50 veterinary drugs in poultry slaughter products; prohibition of adding water and food additives (including phosphates) in the production of unprocessed poultry products; the water loss rate and water limit of poultry meat should not exceed 4%; the use of phosphates, flavor enhancers, benzoic acid, sorbic acid and its salts, raw materials containing genetically modified organisms and pesticides in the production of children’s poultry products is prohibited; the nutritional composition of poultry products (Protein, fat, carbohydrate, energy value) mark allowable rounding value requirements, etc.

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