New changes in imported food labels in 2022

As the identity certificate of imported food, Chinese label is the main carrier to explain the characteristics, ingredients and functions of the food to consumers. In addition, it is also an important way to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in accordance with the law. Article 97 of "Food Safety Law" stipulates that the import of pre-packaged foods, food additives shall have Chinese labels.

Let's take a look at the labeling requirements of some imported foods.

01. New changes in the labels of imported health foods and special dietary foods

imported health food, special dietary food

The General Administration of Customs (GACC) issued Order No. 249 on April 12, 2021 (decree on the issuance of the “Administrative Measures of import and Export Food Safety of the People’s Republic of China”). Article 30 of the Measures stipulates: The Chinese label must be printed on the minimum sales package and cannot be affixed. It will be officially implemented on January 1, 2022.

Sports nutrition food with Chinese label

From January 1, 2022, the above-mentioned sports nutrition foods with Chinese labels will not be allowed to be imported. Before negotiating import purchases, importers need to communicate with foreign investors to print Chinese labels on the minimum sales package of the above two categories of foods to avoid problems such as delayed customs clearance or import failure due to label non-compliance after the goods are transported to China.


02. Labeling requirements for imported fresh and frozen meat products

imported frozen meat products

For imported frozen meat products, the inner and outer packaging should have strong, clear, and legible Chinese (with or without English) and the country (region) of export.

The following should be labeled:

Country (region) of origin, product name, production company registration number, production batch number;

The outer packaging should be marked in Chinese:

The specifications, place of origin (specifically to the state/province/city), destination, production date, shelf life, storage temperature, etc., must be marked with the destination of the People’s Republic of China, and the official inspection and quarantine mark of the exporting country (region) must be added.


03. Labeling requirements for imported aquatic products

imported aquatic products

For imported frozen meat products, the inner and outer packaging should have strong, clear, and legible Chinese (with or without English) and the country (region) of export.

The following should be labeled:

Trade name and scientific name, specifications, production date, batch number, shelf life and preservation conditions, production methods (sea catching, freshwater catching, aquaculture), production area (ocean catching area, freshwater catching country or region, country or region where the aquaculture product is located), The name of all production and processing enterprises (including fishing vessels, processing vessels, transport vessels, and independent cold storage) involved, registration number and address (specific to the state/province/city), must be marked with the destination of the People’s Republic of China.

Note: The above labeling requirements are only applicable to trade imports, the other import methods including mail, express mail, cross-border e-commerce retail, and food brought into the country by passengers are not applicable.

Article source: Jinan Customs

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