Requirements of Labeling Imported Organic Food in China


The concept of green consumption is becoming more and more popular in the daily consumption concept of Chinese residents, and consumers' awareness of green consumption is also significantly improved. Coupled with the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, as well as the facilitation of international trade, the consumption scale of imported organic food has grown rapidly in China.

Statistics show that from 2013 to 2020, the number of organic product certificates issued to overseas companies has increased year by year. More and more foreign organic products companies have expanded businesses in China. If you are intending to join them, this article will help you. Let's introduce China’s labeling requirements of imported organic food in this article.

Ⅰ. China Organic Certification Mark

The organic certification mark is the representative mark of organic products. only products that have obtained the organic certification certificate can be labeled with the organic certification mark on the product label or package. The organic certification mark is different in each country/region. The following is the organic certification mark in China.
Ⅱ. Labeling Requirements

1. General Requirements

only products with organic ingredients content equal to or higher than 95% and certified as organic products can be labeled "organic" in front of the product name.

Water and salt added during processing and in the form of ingredients are not included in the calculation of the percentage of organic ingredients.

2. Certification Mark

Products labeled as "organic" should be marked with the China organic product certification mark on the certified product or the smallest sales package of the product.The mark shall only be used for the organic products that are produced in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 19630 and obtained certification, and shall be used within the product category, scope and quantity specified in the certificate.

3. Organic code

In addition, an organic code should be added to the certified product or the smallest sales package of the product. The organic code consists of the certification body code (3 digits), the certification mark issuance year code (2 digits) and the certification mark issuance random code (12 digits).

4. The name or logo of the certification body

The name or logo of the certification body is also necessary and should be marked on the product or the smallest product package.

5. Foreign certification mark

The imported organic product has obtained the China organic product certificate issued by the certification body approved by the CNCA, and obtained the organic certificate in the foreign country who has signed a mutual recognition agreement with China, can be labeled with foreign certification mark and description in accordance with the relevant requirements. At present, China and New Zealand have signed an mutual recognition agreement.

No words or patterns that may mislead the public, such as "有机" or "ORGANIC"(including foreign certification mark), shall be marked on the products, the minimum sales packages of products and their labels if the imported product has only obtained the foreign organic product certificate,and has not obtained the Chinese organic product certification certificate issued by the certification body approved by the CNCA. If there is, need to cover it.

If it’s not obtained organic product certificate in China or foreign countries, but has the words "有机" or "ORGANIC" in its product trademark or enterprise name, its enterprise name and trademark pattern can continue to be used if the documents of its registered trademark, registration of production enterprise can be provided.Other than that, nothing else is allowed.

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