Chile intends to revise dairy access hygiene requirements


On January 17, 2022, the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture (SAG) issued an announcement to revise the sanitary requirements for milk and dairy products entering Chile. The main contents are as follows:

(1) Scope: This announcement applies to all dairy products, except those stated in Resolution No. 3081/2006 or the Resolution which replaces it;

(2) The country or region of origin must comply with the countries or regions in which the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) will be considered free of Rift Valley and Lumpy Dermatosis. Alternatively, the product has been pasteurized or otherwise treated in accordance with the OIE Codex;

(3) Businesses that process milk or dairy products must be authorized by the competent health authority in the country of origin and must be authorized by the SAG to export to Chile;

(4) Traceability system. Businesses that process milk or dairy products must have a properly implemented traceability program that guarantees the origin of the raw materials;

(5) Farm requirements. Milk or dairy products must be processed from animal milk and must be free of foot-and-mouth disease within a 10km radius on farms, the origin of the raw materials must be free of brucellosis (brucella spp) and tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) on farms Infection, alternatively, the product has been pasteurized or treated by the OIE Code, etc. The announcement will take effect three months after publication.

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