GACC | Emergency Preventive Measures against 6 Russian fishing vessels, 2 cold storages and a South Korean cold storages


On May 27, 2022, the General Administration of Customs took emergency preventive measures against 6 Russian fishing vessels, 2 cold storages and a South Korean cold storages, due to the positive nucleic acid test of SARS-Cov-2 in some samples of frozen seafoods from Russia and stored in South Korea. The national customs suspended the acceptance of 5 Russian fishing vessels with registered numbers CH-16Q, СН-403, СН-75P, CH-86N, CH-63B, 2 Russian cold storages with registered numbers CH-48P and CH-93N, and a Korean company with registered number KP-029 import declaration for 1 week until June 2, suspended the acceptance of Russian fishing vessels with registered numbers CH-35H import declaration for 4 weeks until June 23. Product declaration will resume automatically after expiration.


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