South Korean National Assembly member proposed a draft Law on Food for Medical Purpose

According to South Korean media reports: On July 19, in order to systematize the management of medical food for patients who need special dietary therapy, South Korean National Assembly member proposed the draft of the medical food related law.
The National Assembly member said: "Medical food is in order to improve the nutritional status of patients when the patient's medical condition is not suitable for other food intake, malnutrition condition there is a risk of deterioration of edible food, compared with ordinary food need to be more strict management requirements, but now in South Korea, domestic medicinal food category, safety and quality management, and other aspects of the same as the ordinary food. It is regulated through the Food Hygiene Law, but there is no systematic management system reflecting the characteristics of medical food.
In response, the draft of the Law on Food for Medical Purpose stipulates medical food for patients who require special dietary treatment. The law aims to improve public health and protect consumers.

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