Europe and other countries will establish a Game Meat Supply Chain Security network


On October 4, 2023, according to the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Europe and other countries will establish a "Game Meat Supply Chain Security " network, which aims to exchange information on the health risks of game meat obtained through hunting to consumers, in order to make this precious animal food as safe as possible in Europe and worldwide. The core theme of the network, which includes EU member states and third countries such as Western Balkan countries, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand and Australia, is to communicate directly with stakeholders in order to translate research findings into measures along the entire production chain, from hunting to table.


The network plans to work over four years on topics such as hunting operations and processing, trade chains and distribution channels, and potential materials and biohazards. Including in terms of material risks, in addition to adverse substances in the environment (environmental pollutants), mainly to avoid or reduce the entry of heavy metals such as lead in ammunition when shooting animals; Biological risks include parasites such as trichinella spiralis, bacterial zoonoses such as salmonella and verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC), which are ingested by animals through food, and viral zoonoses such as hepatitis E in wild pigs; To assess the risks arising from further processing and trade of game meat from material and microbial sources that could contaminate the end product. The aim is to use the network to disseminate scientific knowledge acquired in other countries and to maintain long-term harmonization of international food safety standards.

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