Australian banned Paraquat and Diaquat in most application scenarios


On 30 July 2024, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) issued a proposed regulatory decision on the reevaluation of Paraquat and Diaquat. According to the current known information, after re-evaluation, 90% of the application scenarios of Paraquat and Diaquat in Australia are not supported, including the dieback of 23 mainstream crops, the spray scenario of most broadleaf grasses such as row crops, vegetable fields and home gardening, and the field of aquatic drugs. The public consultation on the proposed decision will be open until 29 October 2024.


APVMA recommends:


1. Change and /confirm/i the registration of Paraquat and Diaquat chemical products and their associated label approval, provided that at least one use scenario is still supported (meaning that both varieties may be banned if no use scenario is supported).


2. Change and /confirm/i the active ingredient registration of Paraquat and Diaquat.


3. Cancel the registration and related labels of two anti-grass products that do not meet the statutory safety, trade or labelling standards.


The proposed determination system takes into account all active ingredients, product registration and approved labelling of Paraquat and Diparaquat in Australia.

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