CAC proposed to revise the common standard for the labeling of pre-packaged foods


On August 23, 2024, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) issued consultation document CL2024/56-FL, which proposes to revise the common standard for the labelling of pre-packaged foods. Call for feedback period October 9, 2024. Main contents:


(1) Revise the definition of pre-packaging to add joint packaging and multi-packaging forms. For example, the multi-packaging form is a packaging method composed of secondary sales, the external container is opaque or transparent, specifically designed to accommodate two or more identical or different pre-packaged food units, each food unit is individually labeled. For example, smaller packages of different flavors of potato chips/fries in larger packages;


(2) The name and net content of the food should be highlighted in the same field of view; The list of ingredients shall start with the title of "ingredients", for jointly packaged food, the list of ingredients of each food shall start with the name of the food, followed by the term "ingredients", when the packaging is opaque and the information of the food contained in the package cannot be seen, the list of ingredients must be listed on the outer packaging in the form of joint packaging and multi-packaging; The combined package must indicate the content and total net content of each product comprising the package. Next to the net content, the number of units of each food item that make up the multipack must be indicated. When the packaging is opaque and such information cannot be seen on the food inside the packaging, the name and address of the packer must be included on the outer packaging in joint display and multi-pack form.


Learn more: https://www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/sh-proxy/en/?lnk=1&url=https%253A%252F%252Fworkspace.fao.org%252Fsites%252Fcodex%252FCircular%252520Letters%252FCL%2525202024-56%252Fcl24_56e.pdf

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