Singapore revised import conditions for poultry meat products


On 28 August 2024, the Food Authority of Singapore (SFA) amended the import conditions for poultry products with effect from the date of publication. Main contents:


(1) Conditions of exporting country. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus is a notifiable infectious disease in exporting countries. The country has been free of highly pathogenic avian influenza in the 12 months prior to export; To resume trade in countries with HPAI outbreaks, there must be no HPAI outbreaks in the past 28 days and products have been heat-treated enough to inactivate the virus; The raw meat is born and raised in the country of origin; Pre - and post-slaughter inspection and no infectious and communicable diseases were found; Slaughtering, processing, packaging and storage under hygienic conditions supervised by an official veterinarian; Steamed processed meat products (e.g., canned meat) have been heat-treated in sealed containers (sterilization processes with a sterilization value of no less than Fo3) to a commercially sterile state and are stable at ambient temperatures;


(2) Conditions for frozen poultry. The product must not come from thawed frozen poultry, the product is sealed in leak-proof packaging, and the shelf life is at least 10 days from the date of packaging at a temperature of ≤4°C.

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