China launched an electronic system for certifying the origin of Russian fish on September 1


On September 1, Russia and China launched a pilot electronic system to process, confirm and verify certificates of origin of Marine living resources exported from Russia to China.


The Control, supervision and Fish Conservation Services of the Russian Federal Fisheries Service, the agency's regional departments, the Fisheries Monitoring and Communication Center (CFMC) and Chinese regulators are participating in the project.


The software developed by CFMC has been tested and configured and is ready for commercial operation.


Alexei Buglak, president of the Pollock Fishermen's Association, said that the testing of the electronic certification system is the first step in the process of digitizing documents between Russia and China on the export of fish products. The certificate of origin of seafood is necessary to confirm that the fish product is legally caught and produced.


In 2023, Russia exported $2.9 billion worth of fish to China, including $1.6 billion worth of frozen fish and $1.2 billion worth of shellfish.

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