On December 26, 2024, Argentina's National Technical Agency for Drugs, Food and Medicine (ANTAM) issued Regulation No. 11378/2024, which proposes to revise the standards for food labeling with respect to nutritional information, with the following main points:
(1) In order to ensure that consumers are able to make choices, producers of packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages must provide clear, easy-to-understand information about their nutritional content;
(2) To protect the health of consumers, manufacturers must provide warnings about excessive intake of sugar, sodium, saturated fat, total fat and calories in foods;
(3) All advertisements, promotions, and/or sponsorships of packaged foods and nonalcoholic beverages shall be subject to the rules if the product contains at least one warning label (e.g., a precautionary legend for sweeteners and/or caffeine);
(4) Enforcement of specific rules: advertising, promotion or sponsorship must follow the specific rules listed in the annexes that are part of the regulations;
(5) Violation of the above rules will result in the owner of the advertised product and, if applicable, the person responsible for technical guidance, facing the appropriate legal sanctions.
For further details see: https://www.boletinoficial.gob.ar/detalleAviso/primera/318799/20241226
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