Food Import Compliance Procedures and Regulations in China


According to China’s Food Safety Law, imported food should comply with the national food safety standards. imported food shall be inspected by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine agencies (local customs) in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations on import and export commodity inspection, and obtain safety inspection certificate.

From January 1, 2022, overseas manufacturers of imported food should be registered with the General Administration of Customs before shipping.

1. Food importation Compliance Procedure

2. Competent Authority

(1) import inspection: General Administration of Customs (GACC) and local customs.

(2) Operation and catering: State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and local food safety supervision departments.

3. Relevant Laws and Regulations

(1) Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China

(2) Law of the People’s Republic of China on import and Export Commodity Inspection

(3) Regulations on the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on import and Export Commodity Inspection

(4) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and exit Animal and Plant Quarantine

(5) Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine

(6) Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Registration and Administration of Overseas Manufacturers of imported Food (Decree of GACC No.248)

(7) Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of import and Export Food Safety (Decree of GACC No.249)

4. What preparations you need to do before export food into China?

(1) Understand related laws and regulations, you can look for consulting services such as:

• Preliminary analysis on feasibility of importation

• Requirements of the food import regulations and procedure of regulatory compliance

(2) Register overseas manufactures through SingleWindow system to ensure that enterprises are included in the list of enterprises allowed to import by the GACC. Also establish a food safety management system that meets the requirements of China Customs. The overseas importer or agent should complete the filing with the General Administration of Customs

(3) Conduct Ingredients Compliance Review to determine whether food can be imported into China
• Determine the product classification and judge whether it can be imported;

• Determine applicable standards, food safety standards, etc.;

• Review ingredients and judge whether there are illegal additions, over-range, over-limit and other non-compliance;

• You can choose to get suggestions on formula compliancy revision from a trustworthy agent such as Foodmate.

(4) Design and Review Chinese Label to ensure that the Chinese labels of imported products comply with the requirements of Chinese laws and regulations.

• Review and revise formula

• Review and revise the claims, nutrition labels and any other non-compliance on the Chinese label

• If you really have trouble to design compliant Chinese label, Foodmate can definitely help you with this issue.

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