UK to revise the technical guidance on food allergen labelling and information requirements



On March 27, 2023, the UK Food Safety Authority published proposals to revise the technical guidance on food allergen labelling and information requirements. Major revisions include:

(1) Provide that enterprises may choose to use preventive allergen label (PAL) voluntarily, but once it is used, adequate risk assessment should be carried out to ensure the correctness of the label information, including the labeling of all the allergens contained in it;

(2) Stipulate that gluten-free claims should be avoided to prevent misleading consumers.

The revision comment period ends May 22, 2023.

Learn more via: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/consultations/consultation-on-updates-to-the-food-standards-agencys-technical-guidance-on-food-allergen-labelling-and-information-requirements

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