Vietnam fully prepared to export birds nest to China


Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam revealed that currently 35 companies with 3,000 swiftlet farms are actively preparing to export bird's nest products to China.

The "Protocol between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and the General Administration of Customs of China on Inspection, Quarantine and Hygienic Conditions for Exporting Bird's Nest Products from Vietnam to China" came into effect on November 9, 2022, injecting important impetus into the development of Vietnam's bird's nest industry and ensuring the stable output of products, and bring high economic benefits, and provide employment opportunities for local laborers.

The Veterinary Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and the General Administration of Customs of China have reached an agreement on the format and content of the export quarantine certificate; monitoring and certification of bird's nest products to ensure disease safety, food safety and traceability; guiding enterprises to prepare export registration materials and submit them to the General Administration of Customs of China Report on the Department's website.

At present, among the 63 provinces in Vietnam, 42 provinces are engaged in swiftlet farming. Over the years, the number of swiftlet houses has increased significantly. From 8,300 in 2017 to 23,665 in 2022.

At present, the average annual output of bird's nest reaches 200 tons, which brings very high economic benefits, with an average annual output of 200 million US dollars, surpassing many potential economic industries, and is a unique product in the world market. For the export market, this is an emerging competitive industry with broad development space. In particular, the bird's nest industry plays an extremely important role, providing employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of local workers.

According to the evaluation of bird's nest export companies, in 2022, the total turnover of bird's nest in the world will exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars, of which China's market share will account for more than 80% (over 8 billion U.S. dollars). At present, Vietnamese bird's nest has a very small share in the Chinese market.

Therefore, the above-mentioned protocol will help Vietnam to increase its export of bird's nest to the Chinese market in the future. Many bird's nest companies hope to export bird's nest to China through official trade channels this year.

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