US to revise standards for canned tuna


On August 24, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued Notice 2023-17916, proposing to revise the standard for canned tuna. Major revisions include:


The content of tuna meat in tuna heads should not be less than 50%;


The addition of vegetable content (excluding vegetable oil) to canned tuna shall not exceed 2.5% of the net content;


The label of canned smoked tuna should indicate the smoking process;


The amount of vegetable oil added to the product should not exceed 5% of the label net content, and the maximum amount of sodium pyrophosphate added is 0.5%;


Revision of product color index value and detection method;


The canned tuna label name should contain the type of medium, such as "canned tuna in oil", "canned tuna in brine", etc., if the product contains different varieties of tuna, the label name should indicate "mixed product" or similar terms.


The notice will be published in the Federal Register on August 25, 2023, and is subject to a 90-day comment period.

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