On 28 February 2024, the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) proposed to develop guidelines for mechanically separated meat (MSM), with a comment period ending 22 May 2024. Main contents:
(1) The definition of mechanically separated meat, using bones that have separated complete muscle or poultry ketone bodies with meat; Use mechanical separation methods to recover meat; The muscle fiber structure of the meat is changed; The portion of meat removed is called mechanically separated meat; The calcium content of meat shall not be higher than 0.1% of minced meat products; It is divided into two types: for the manufacture of cooked and meat products (e.g. hamburgers and chicken nuggets), and for the manufacture of heat-treated ready-to-eat products (sausages and canned meat);
(2) Processing hygiene requirements, microbial risk is consistent with meat processing;
(3) Label requirements. From the name of the animal breed, the amount of mechanically separated meat contained in the meat product, the product should be cooked before eating, etc.
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