Turkey published standards for sampling and analysis methods for controlling trace elements and processing contaminants in food


On May 8, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey issued Communique No. 2024/10, establishing official control standards for trace elements and processing contaminants in food, which will be implemented from the date of publication. Main contents:


(1) Sampling method, for food other than dietary supplements, spices or herbs, dried mushrooms, algae or lichen, the equal sample should be at least 1kg or 1L. For food supplements, spices or herbs, dried mushrooms, algae or lichens, the equal sample should be at least 100g or 100ml. For foods other than food supplements, the minimum number of primary samples taken from batches or sub-batches shall comply with Table 3. For bulk liquid products, batch or sub-batch products should be mixed as thoroughly as possible by manual or mechanical means immediately prior to sampling;


(2) Sample preparation and analysis, the basic requirement is to obtain a representative homogeneous laboratory sample without secondary contamination. The entire section applicable to the maximum limit is used for the homogenization of the sample. For products other than fish, all sample materials received by the laboratory are used to prepare laboratory samples. For fish, all samples received by the laboratory should be homogenized;


(3) Reporting and interpretation of results, with the same units of expression and significant numbers as the maximum limits specified in the Turkish Codex Alimentarius Contaminant Regulations.

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