Russians choose sparkling water instead of Kvass and hardly buy lemonade this summer


Moscow (SPUTNIK) - The most popular drink among Russians this summer is water, while Kvass is only in third place, sparkling water has become more popular, and lemonade is the least frequently purchased, according to calculations made by analysts of Kontur.Market for the SPUTNIK.


It should be noted that the average price of a bottle of water (0.5 liters) this summer was 59 rubles (about $4.88), and the number of its shopping tickets increased by 19%. The price of sparkling water (0.5 liters) was 93 rubles (about $7.69), and the number of its shopping tickets decreased by 8%. On average, Russians spend 96 rubles ($7.94) on a bottle of Kvass (1 liter) and 113 rubles ($9.35) on a half liter of lemonade. At the same time, the number of purchase tickets for Kvass increased slightly by 1%, while the number of tickets for lemonade decreased by 7%.


The study quotes Kontur.Market analyst Dalia Zhigarina as commenting, “Starting from 2022, many changes have taken place in the soft drinks and water market, including the withdrawal of foreign brands from Russia, breaks in the logistic chain, the increase in the price of consumables and components for production, and the tax on sparkling water, all of which have influenced the price increase, leading to all soft drinks prices.”

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