A Summary Analysis of The Registration and Approval of Infant Formula Products (Up to June 30, 2020)

Foodmate News: The formula registration system for infant formula milk powder products has been implemented for more than three years. For the approved formulas currently, from the perspective of product characteristics, there are milk powder, goat milk powder, organic milk powder and non-organic milk powder. It can fully meet market demand. From the perspective of production process, the three processes of dry process, dry and wet composite process, and wet process are all involved. In order to more clearly show the registration and approval of infant formulas, the Foodmate conducted specific statistics and analysis from the following aspects.

1. Basic situation of registration approval

"Administrative Measures for the Registration of Formulas for Infant and Young Children Formula Milk Powder" has been implemented since October 1, 2016. Until June 30, 2020, a total of 442 series of 1302 infant formulas have been approved for registration (excluding the 9 formulas that have been cancelled). Overall, the number of domestic formulas approved through registration is far greater than the number of imported formulas.

These formulas are distributed in 167 production plants, of which 989 formulas from 116 factories in China have been registered, and 313 formulas from 51 factories overseas have been registered. These 51 factories overseas have passed both the registration of formula and the factory registration of the General Administration of Customs (GACC).

2. Registration and approval of domestic infant and young children formula products

China has already registered 989 formulas for infant formula products. Beinmate is the first brand to be registered with formulas, and it is also the company with the largest number of formula registrations. (Statistics are made according to the total number of domestic formulas approved by the group company and its subsidiaries, excluding imported formulas registered by the associated overseas factories). Beimate and Feihe are the number of formulas approved by registration ranks in the top two, and the third is Mengniu (Yashili), Yili, Junlebao, Mingyi, and Wandashan. The specific number is shown in the figure below:

3. Registration and approval of imported infant and young children formula products

Distribution of imported infant and young children formula products by country

A total of 313 imported infant formula products were registered respectively from 15 countries. The country with the largest number of registrations was New Zealand (72 formulas), accounting for 23% of the total number. followed by the Netherlands, South Korea, France, Australia, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, Switzerland, United States, Finland, Singapore. The specific number is shown in the figure below:

Distribution of imported infant and young children formula products by factory

The approval imported infant formula products are distributed in 51 overseas production factories. The number of these factories in various countries is as follows: New Zealand, Netherlands, Australia, South Korea, France, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, Switzerland, United States, Finland, Singapore. The specific number is shown in the figure below:

4. Product features that have been approved by registration

The animal source of the product (milk powder/goat milk powder)

Among the approved infant formula products, there are 1032 milk powder formulas and 270 goat milk powder formulas, mainly are milk powder. The goat milk powder only accounts for 21%. Among milk powders, there are 752 domestic formulas and 280 imported formulas. Among goat milk powders, there are 237 domestic formulas and 33 imported formulas.

Organic certification of products

Among the registered and approved formulas, a total of 57 formulas have been certified by organic certification, all of which are milk powder. There are 27 domestic formulas and 30 imported formulas.

5. The production process of products that have been registered and approved

For the formulations that have been registered and approved, nearly half of them are produced by the dry and wet composite process. There are 397 formulas produced using the dry process, of which 91 formulas are used the base powder is as the raw material for dry production (the production process is "dry and wet composite process (dry part)"). The dry and wet composite process is used by 577 formulas and 328 formulas produced using the wet process.

6. Summary

For infant formulas that have been registered and approved, whether they are domestic or imported, the number of milk powder formulas is greater than that of goat milk powder, and organic milk powder occupies a scarce advantage. Among the overseas production enterprises that have obtained the registration of formulas, New Zealand has the largest number of registered formulas, followed by the Netherlands, South Korea and France.

As all known that for overseas infant formula milk powder production enterprises, it is necessary to obtain the "double registration" qualification, product formulas registration and production factories registration, for export products to China. However, there are still some foreign enterprises that have obtained the registration of the production factories but have not yet obtained the registration of the product formula, or even have not obtained the registration of the factory. Foodmate provides a one-stop registration consulting service to assist the entire process of infant formula registration and overseas production enterprise registration. Welcome to consult.

Recommend link:
Infant Formula Registration
Registration of Overseas Manufacturers of imported Foods

Please note: Original English article of Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate, please indicate the source from the Global Foodmate if reprint.

Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate provides food standards & regulations research, labelling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry. 

Please feel free to contact us: +86 10 68869850, E-mail: global_info@foodmate.net

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