Russian frozen cod are banned from exporting to China due to improper storage temperature

On October 7, 2021, Russian Federation Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) reported that due to improper storage temperature, the local branches of the Russian Primorye and Sakhalin region banned the export of frozen cod with a total weight of nearly 50 tons to China.


According to the website, the goods were transported to Vladivostok in containers and planned to be exported to China. When the officials of the Regional Animal Planting Bureau measured the storage temperature, they found that the transportation and storage temperatures of the products were -14.9 ℃ and -15.2 ℃, respectively, higher than the requirement of -18 ℃ stipulated in laws and standards.

At present, the above-mentioned goods have been subjected to normal freezing treatment, and the owner of the goods, JSC Yuzhmorrybflot, has been sued in accordance with the law and will face a fine of 300,000 rubles (approximately RMB 27,000).

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