Inventory | Chinese Health Food Registration and Filing in 2021


I Registered health food

By querying the website of the Center for Food evaluation (CFE) of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR), in 2021, the CFE issued a total of 189 product review comments, and announced a total of 2,780 health food approval (decision letter) in the form of "information to be received" and "mailing details", which are shown in the following table.

II Filed health food

On December 1, 2020, a catalogue of five health food raw materials including coenzyme Q10 was released. With the release of this catalog, the filing of health food has been extended from nutrient supplement products to the functional health food. However, due to legal restrictions, the current health food filings for five health food raw materials such as coenzyme Q10 are limited to domestic products, excluding health food that was imported for the first time. Therefore, FoodMate.net conducted a summary analysis from the two aspects of imported health food filing and domestic health food filing.

In 2021, the total number of registered health food products was 2,373, including 42 imported health food products and 2,331 domestic health food products.

imported health food filing is the filing information announced by the CFE of SAMR. The following statistical analysis will be done based on the release time as of December 31, 2021.

In 2021, the CFE released a total of 42 imported health food filing information. These products are from 7 countries (see the figure below), of which the United States has the most (14 products), and Canada in second place (with 13 products) and Japan in third place (with 9 products).

Figure 1. Number of imported health food filing certificates in different countries

From the analysis of the filing applicant situation, there are 12 overseas companies that have obtained filing certificates, among which the top 5 companies are: USA Bornatop Investment Management Co., Ltd. (11), Jamieson Laboratories Co., Ltd. (7), Canada Nutricorp International (6), Japan I.B Co., Ltd. (6) and FANCL Corporation (3). The number of filed products that other enterprises that have obtained is 2 or less.

Figure 2. Overseas enterprises in obtaining health food filing certificates

In terms of product dosage form, among the imported health food filing products in 2021, tablet products have the maximum number that of 25 types, accounting for 60% of the annual imported filing products. Followed by oral solution products, there are 13 types (including 1 drop product), accounting for 31% of the annual imported filing products. Others are soft capsules (3 types) and hard capsules (1 type). According to the "Formulations and Technical Requirements for Health Food Filing Products (2021 Edition)", there are 7 product dosage forms (or food forms) that can be selected for the filing of vitamin and mineral supplement products, including tablets, hard capsules, soft capsules, oral solutions, granules, gel candies and powders. based on the above data analysis, it can be seen that in 2021 there is no imported granules, gel candies and powders products obtained filing certificates.
Figure 3. Number and proportion of imported health food filings in different dosage forms

In terms of the number of types of nutrients supplemented by products, the majority of the 42 products are supplemented with multiple nutrients (21 types), accounting for 50% of the total number of imported products of year 201. Followed by products supplemented with two nutrients (12 types), accounting for 29% of the annual imported filing products. The number of products supplemented with a single nutrient was slightly lower than the number of products supplemented with two nutrients.

Figure 4. Proportion of imported health foods with different quantity of nutrient types

Compared with the number of imported health foods filed in the past 5 years, the number of products in 2021 has increased steadily.

Figure 5. Number of imported health food filing products over the 5 years

III Summary

Both domestic and imported health food filings have increased compared to 2020, especially the number of domestic filings for health food.

In 2021, with the implementation of the first batch of functional health food raw material catalogs and related technical requirements, health food companies have taken action to seize this wave of market opportunities, and correspondingly launched nearly 300 functional filing products of five raw materials including coenzyme Q10. Products that used broken-wall ganoderma spore powder as raw material had the largest quantity, and spirulina products seems to have more opportunities for filing in 2022.

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