Inventory | Rejected Imported cosmetics in 2021


According to the information on food and cosmetics that are not allowed to enter China from January to December 2021 released by the General Administration of Customs, Foodmate has summerised the rejected imported cosmetics. In 2021, the national customs detected 113 batches of unqualified products during the supervision and were not allowed to enter China, which was the same as that in 2020.

Judging from the number of batches of cosmetics not allowed to enter China announced each month, the largest number of rejected imported cosmetic batche were detected in December 2021, with 34 batches. In addition, no unqualified cosmetics were announced in February.

The number of rejected cosmetic batches from January to December

Statistics show that the unqualified cosmetics include facial masks, eyelash growth liquids, eye essences, toners, lipsticks, essences, hand soaps, shower gels, shampoos, perfumes, etc. The origin of these unqualified cosmetics involves 14 countries, which are shown in the figure.

The origin of unqualified cosmetics

In addition, the reasons why cosmetics are not allowed to enter China include unqualified labels, expired shelf life, unqualified sensory inspections, inconsistent cargo certificates, detection of prohibited components, microbial contamination, failure to provide certificates or certification materials as required, and heavy metal pollution.

Among them, the number of unqualified labels was the largest, with 51 batches. According to the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics (National Decree 727)", the label should comply with relevant laws, administrative regulations, and mandatory national standards, and the content should be true, complete and accurate. imported cosmetics can use Chinese labels directly or affix Chinese labels; if Chinese labels are affixed, the Chinese label content should be consistent with the original label content. Among them, the cosmetic label should indicate the product name, full ingredients, net content, special cosmetic registration certificate number, cosmetic production license number, product implementation standard number, etc.

Reasons why cosmetics are not allowed to enter China

There are 11 entry ports involved in these unqualified cosmetics. The most unqualified food were detected in Shenzhen port, with 48 batches.

The unqualified foods and cosmetics had been returned or destroyed at ports according to GACC. In addition, Foodmate also reminds consumers to check whether the products have Chinese labels when purchasing imported cosmetics, and whether the Chinese labels are complete. In addition, consumers should buy imported cosmetics from formal places and channels and ask for shopping vouchers.

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