South Korea issued a partial revision to the Codex Alimentarius, revising the standards for capsules and edible ice products

MFDS 韩国食品药品安全部EN
On August 11, the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) issued Notice No. 2022-56 to revise part of the Codex Alimentarius. The main contents are as follows:
1. Specified the requirements for raw materials: To ensure food hygiene and safety, specified the requirements for raw materials in the production of kimchi and other foods; To prevent the use of poor quality and unsanitary raw materials, the definition of "good quality and freshness" was revised, and the definition of "spoilage and deterioration" was added.
2. Reasonably modified the specifications of capsule products: deleted the PH specifications of capsules (3.0~7.5) and related test methods.
3. Adjust the pH range of edible ice products from pH (5.8 ~ 8.5) to pH (4.5 ~ 9.5).
4. In order to prevent confusion in the interpretation of the application of standard specifications, some terms have been clarified.

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