Australia intends to revise the maximum residue limits (MRLS) of 10 pesticides, including Fluopyram, in some food products

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
On August 22, 2022, the website of the Gazette of Australia published Notice F2022L01102, namely the fourth amendment of 2022 to Schedule 20 (Maximum Residue Limits for Agricultural and Veterinary Medicines) of the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code, which intends to amend the maximum residue limits of 10 pesticides, including Fluopyram, in some foods. The announcement shall take effect from the date of publication in the government Gazette. Some of the revisions are as follows:
Note: "*" in the table indicates that MRL is set at or close to the limit of quantitative analysis; "T" means MRL is a tentative limit.
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