In September 2024, it was reported that in the past year, China's mooncakes exported to South Korea were frequently rejected due to the detection of sodium dehydroacetate, and some netizens reported that mooncakes containing sodium dehydroacetate were fed to ants, and the ants were lying on the mooncakes without moving after eating them, and sodium dehydroacetate has become the focus of attention again. So what is sodium dehydroacetate? What is the harm of sodium dehydroacetate? How is sodium dehydroacetate regulated in China and mainstream foreign countries? Next, let Foodmate guide you through this.
1. Introduction of sodium dehydroacetate
Sodium dehydroacetate chemical name 3-(1-hydroxymethylene)-6-methyl-1,2-pyran-2,4(3H)-dione sodium, molecular formula for the C8H7NaO4•H2O, INS No. 266. Sodium dehydroacetate appearance is white or almost white crystalline powder, low toxicity, odorless, easily soluble in water, glycerol, propylene glycol, slightly soluble in ethanol and acetone, its aqueous solution does not change at 120 ℃ heating 2h remains stable neutral or slightly alkaline. Good light and heat resistance, will not decompose and evaporate with water vapor during food processing, it has good inhibition effect on mold, yeast and bacteria, which can prolong the storage period and avoid mold loss. Its mechanism of action is to effectively penetrate into the cell body, inhibit the respiration of microorganisms, so as to achieve the role of anticorrosion, mold preservation and moisturizing.
2. Hazards of sodium dehydroacetate
Available information shows that the acute toxicity of dehydroacetic acid and its sodium salt is low toxicity, mainly manifested as vomiting, weakness, motor disorders, convulsions and other symptoms of central nervous system toxicity; sub-acute, sub-chronic and chronic toxicity is mainly manifested as a significant reduction in body mass, food intake and other indicators of growth, as well as anticoagulant effects; reproductive developmental toxicity, mainly manifested as a reduction in body mass of the offspring and the inhibition of bone development; no conclusive evidence of genotoxicity and carcinogenicity has been found. The results of the hazard identification indicated that oral exposure to dehydroacetic acid and its sodium salt can produce potential toxic effects at certain doses, and that health guideline values need to be developed to provide a basis for the safety evaluation of its use as a food additive.
3. Regulatory Requirements for Sodium Dehydroacetate in China
At present, according to GB 2760-2014 "National Food Safety Standard Standard for the Use of Food Additives", sodium dehydroacetate can be used in seven categories of food, and mooncake belongs to the category of 07.02 pastries, which allows the use of dehydroacetic acid and its sodium salt, with a maximum use level of 0.5g/kg, as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1 Scope of use and limit requirements of sodium dehydroacetate in GB 2760-2014
On March 31, 2021, GB 2760 "National Food Safety Standard Standard for the Use of Food Additives" was drafted for consultation, according to the food safety risk assessment results of sodium dehydroacetate for food additives organized by the CFSA , combined with the survey of the use of sodium dehydroacetate in related industries,which deleted the use regulations of dehydroacetic acid and its sodium salt in butter and concentrated butter, starch products, bread, pastry, fillings and topping syrups for bakeries, pre-processed meat products, cooked meat products, fruit and vegetable juice (pulp), and adjusted the maximum use level of this food additive in pickled vegetables. On February 8, 2024, GB 2760-2024 "National Food Safety Standard Standard for the Use of Food Additives" was released, which has adjusted the scope of use and limit requirements for sodium dehydroacetate as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2 Scope of use and limit requirements of sodium dehydroacetate in GB 2760-2024
After the official implementation of this standard on February 8, 2025, the use of dehydroacetic acid and its sodium salt will no longer be allowed in moon cakes. After the adjustment of the above use regulations, the CFSA again conducted a food safety risk assessment of dehydroacetic acid and its sodium salt in accordance with the revised use regulations, and the results of the assessment showed that the revised standard can better protect the health of consumers.
4. Regulatory requirements for sodium dehydroacetate in mainstream foreign countries
4.1 Korea
Korea's "Food Additives Codex" stipulates that sodium dehydroacetate can be used in cheese, butter and margarine, but its dosage shall not exceed 0.5g/kg, and no other food shall be used and sodium dehydroacetate shall not be detected.
Therefore, in Korea, the use of sodium dehydroacetate in mooncakes is prohibited, and mooncakes with sodium dehydroacetate exported from China were returned by Korea because they did not meet the requirements of Korean regulations.
4.2 Japan
The Standards for the Specification of Foods, Additives, etc. stipulate that sodium dehydroacetate can only be used in cheese, butter and margarine, and that the use limit is ≤0.5g/kg (in terms of dehydroacetic acid).
4.3 United States
Sodium dehydroacetate is specified in the Code of Federal Regulations for use as a preservative in cubed or peeled pumpkin at ≤65 ppm (as residual dehydroacetic acid).
4.4 European Union (EU)
Sodium dehydroacetate is not on the EU list of usable food additives and cannot be used in food.
4.5 Australia and New Zealand
Sodium dehydroacetate is not on the ANZ list of useable food additives and cannot be used in food.
In China, according to GB 2760-2014, sodium dehydroacetate is allowed to be used in mooncakes, from February 8, 2025, after the implementation of the new version of GB 2760-2024, China will ban the use of sodium dehydroacetate in mooncakes. At present, EU, Australia and New Zealand, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other mainstream foreign countries and organizations have banned the use of sodium dehydroacetate in mooncakes. Foodmate reminds food exporters that in order to ensure the smooth export of their products, they should study the regulations of the target countries (regions) in depth, and check the risks related to export, so as to ensure that their products can meet the requirements of the target countries (regions). Foodmate has a professional food regulatory research team, which can provide enterprises with a full range of export compliance-related services to help them move forward steadily in the global market, if you need any support, please contact us via
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