More than 100 cases of poisoning after consumption of raw fish have been reported in Japan

More than 100 cases of food poisoning caused by fish contaminated with parasites occurred in 27 autonomous regions in Japan, Japanese TV reported on June, 6 2022.  
Mackerel, Scad, bonito and sashimi are most likely to be problematic.  Now the mackerel is in full bloom season while its body is often parasitic with anisakis. Human will have food poisoning reactions such as severe abdominal pain and vomiting after eating contaminated fish. Supermarkets in Gunma and Saitama prefectures have stopped selling fish products and suspended fresh fish markets.  
Japanese experts said that once the food poisoning caused by anisakiasis occurs, more than 90% of patients will have inflammation near stomach and probably with a long-lasting severe pain, also may have allergic reactions. In this case the patient need to see a doctor as soon as possible.  The Japanese Association for the Prevention of Food Poisoning believes that global warming has increased the temperature sea water in recent years, creating a favorable environment for the growth of anisakis. 

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