France reorganized food safety regulatory authorities


On 15 December 2023, the French Directorate General for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) announced that from January 1, 2024, the task of regulating food safety in France will be entrusted exclusively to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty (DGAI), and that all issues related to food safety, in particular contamination leading to health crises or poisonings, TIAC (collective foodborne illnesses), illnesses and, in rare cases, deaths will be managed by the DGAl. The management of deaths in rare cases will be the responsibility of the DGAl. 

The DGCCRF, for its part, will continue to be responsible for the fairness of labelling and promotional information, in particular affecting the labelling of products, declarations of value and declarations of quality or origin, as well as the fight against fraud.

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