Poland established labelling requirements for food products not intended directly for consumers


On 26 February 2024, the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued Public Notice No. 254 establishing requirements for the labelling of food products that are not intended for direct consumer use. It is implemented on the date of publication. Main contents:


(1) The information that must be included on the labels of frozen food products (except ice cream): the name of the food product and the term "frozen product"; the net weight; the identification number of the production batch; the name and address of the producer;


(2) Fruit juice concentrate products shall indicate the name of the product and the amount of additives used on the label or in a document accompanying the package; honey products shall indicate the full name of the product; edible acid casein, edible rennet casein and edible caseinate shall be clearly labelled on the package or on the label with the following information: the name of the food; the net weight in kg or g; the name of the country of origin; the date of production or the batch identification code; and the name and address of the manufacturing enterprise; the warning "not to be supplied directly to the final consumer".

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