Japan released draft revisions to food and food additive standards

MHLW  Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare日本 厚生劳动省.jpeg

On July 29, 2024, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (MHLW) issued Proposal No. 235110003 to revise some food and food additive specifications and standards. The main contents include:


(1) The use of carboxymethyl cellulose calcium should not exceed 2.0% of food. However, when calcium carboxymethyl cellulose is used with one or more of Cellulose arboxymethyl ether sodium, Sodium starch glycolate and Methylcellulose, the sum of the amount should not exceed 2.0% of the food. The amount of Cellulose arboxymethyl ether sodium should not exceed 2.0% of food;


(2) Additives that specify the composition specifications and storage standards must comply with the composition specifications and storage standards;


(3) The proposal is subject to a comment period ending September 2, 2024.

Learn more: https://public-comment.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public?CLASSNAME=PCMMSTDETAIL&id=235110003&Mode=0

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