Q&A Infant Formula Milk Powder Product Formula Registration (Certification Materials for R&D capability V)

What are the requirements for the base powder used in infant formula?
The base powder used in the formula should not be a finished product that meets the national food safety standards for infant formula milk powder. The quality standard and quality inspection report of the base powder should be provided in the application materials. The items of the quality inspection report should at least cover all the items specified in the corresponding national food safety standards. The unit of measurement should be consistent with the corresponding national food safety standards, and the nutrient content can be calculated per 100kJ or 100kcal.
If canola oil is used in the formula, how should it be indicated in the formula composition, formula dosage table and ingredient list?
If the rapeseed oil used is canola oil, it should be marked as canola oil in the formula composition, formula dosage table and ingredient list.
Does the product formula filled in the registration application system need to be consistent with the product formula in the paper application materials?
The product formula filled in the registration application system (including formula composition, formula dosage table, and nutrition information) should be consistent with the product formula in the paper application materials.
What are the requirements for the ingredient list on the label?
The ingredient list marked on the label should be following the "Administrative Measures for the Registration of Product Formulas of Infant Formula Milk Powder ", “National Food Safety Standard General Principle for Prepackaged Food Label”, “National Food Safety Standard Standard for the Use of Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods”, “Announcement of the SAMR on Further Standardizing the Labeling of Infant Formula Milk Powder Products(No. 38, 2021)”, etc. For the raw materials and food additives that are distinguished by the suffixes "-1, -2" in the formula composition and formula dosage table, only the names of the raw materials and food additives need to be marked in the ingredient table, and "-1, -2" is no longer marked.
Do whey protein, lactose, linoleic acid to α-linolenic acid ratio, calcium-to-phosphorus ratio have to be declared in the nutrition information?
No, companies can voluntarily choose whether to mark or not.
Are the requirements for the "Nutrition Information" in the "Infant Formula Milk Powder Product Formula Registration Application Materials Items and Requirements" applicable to the label? Is the value in the nutritional information the design value or the label value of the product?
Applicable. The nutritional information on the label should be consistent with the approved and registered nutritional ingredient list (nutrient ingredient name, order, labelling unit, value). The value in the nutritional information should be the label value of the product.

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